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The dating gamechanger

Dating can be hard.


Dating Solidarity is a soft place to land.


Better connection

When we seek connection from a frustrated, exhausted, ravenous place, we tend to encounter people who perpetuate those experiences.

When we seek connection from a grounded, energised, easeful place, we tend to encounter people who enhance those states.

Guidance & comfort 

Dating is courageous. It’s also baffling and exhausting.
This free app is designed to be a heartening ally. Fortifying you as you search for your favourite person. And bringing some humour and cheer to the process.

Remember – your companion is out there. And every moment you’re getting closer to the warmth of their smile. They are going to be so happy when they finally get to meet you.


When we feel lonely, we contract.
When we feel supported, we expand.
When we expand, magic happens…

What's on the app?

  • Empowering pep talks for before and after going on apps and dates.

  • Powerful processes to strengthen your understanding of yourself, your desires, your core needs, your lifestyle preferences and the type of partnership that will enable you to truly thrive.

  • Detailed guidance on how to create a profile that attracts lovely people.

  • Heartening meditations to alleviate disappointment and strengthen hope.

  • Advice on how to sift out timewasters and discern quality connections.

  • Conversation starters for better texting and more enriching dates. 

  • A community of other daters who really get what it’s like being single.

  • A safe space to share bad date stories for healing, humour and catharsis.

  • Goal tracking to keep you focused.

  • Comforting words to calm pre-date nerves.

  • Scripts on how to let someone down kindly.

  • Guidance for tricky moments when you’re not sure how to proceed.

  • Empowering affirmations and uplifting screensavers.

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