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It's time for 
better dating

Hello. I'm Juliet. And I'm so happy you're here. 

Dating Solidarity is a free app designed to make dating less frustrating. 

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You are worthy of a great love story.

No matter what the past and present have thrown at you. You are exquisite. 

If you’re struggling with dating…

Please know, it has nothing to do with how great you are.


It has nothing to do with how desirable you are.


It has nothing to do with how lovable you are.


You simply haven’t met your person yet. And when you do, it will all make sense.

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I've been there...

The awkward chats.


The dates that leave you exhausted and dispirited.


Getting your hopes up, only for the other person to change their mind, choose someone else, or disappear without a trace… (Ugh. It's the absolute worst).

All the anxiety. Even though you’re putting so much precious energy in, it’s not going anywhere.


All the worry that your person isn’t out there. Or that they chose someone else. Or that it must be your fault somehow...


Modern dating is very weird.

It’s like conducting endless job interviews for the most important job in the world.


Except most of the candidates don't have even the basic requirements. They’re even worse than the twits on The Apprentice!

People tell you to "enjoy being single"

Disregarding the fact that we’re hardwired for connection and nourishing partnership is a completely reasonable desire.

You're searching for your favourite person on the planet.

Your dearest companion. Your gorgeous lover. Your best friend whose bones you want to jump! But where are they??!!!!

A dating coach can show you...

How to work on your approach, but no one can tell you when your favourite person will arrive. And that’s really annoying.

Which is where solidarity comes in.

There's not enough "I’ve got your back. I know how hard, lonely, painful, exhausting and laborious it is" camaraderie.


Solidarity is vital.


We all need company, comfort and warmth to keep our spirits up in life, and especially when we're dating.


Which is why I created Dating Solidarity.


A dating companion app, designed to make dating less frustrating.

It's filled with practical tips, uplifting resources, and dating advice, gleaned from nearly a decade of experience, to help you stay the distance.


So when your future favourite person arrives on the screen, you're able to recognise how great they are. You'll swipe right from an empowered place with curiosity and self-belief. Fully available to embark on the future you're SO READY for.

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